Přednáška - Studio Magic
Chtěli bychom Vás pozvat na přednášku rakouského ateliéru Studio Magic. Akce se koná v pondělí 4.4.2022 od 17:00 ve velké aule A310 na půdě Fakulty architektury VUT v Brně. Přednáška bude v anglickém jazyce.
Studio magic defines tasks in the entirety of their complex contexts. At the core of the different project work that is developed, planned and executed from this is cooperation and open dialogue. We always see the projects that we implement in relation to those involved, the process and the existing social and spatial structures and, above all, their inscribed interdependencies.
Our field of activity - which we continue to keep open and expandable - has so far been in architecture, spatial installations, exhibition and furniture design, as well as architectural research.
Our cross-project motivation is to think, develop and enable an idea to the finished execution.
Our field of activity - which we continue to keep open and expandable - has so far been in architecture, spatial installations, exhibition and furniture design, as well as architectural research.
Our cross-project motivation is to think, develop and enable an idea to the finished execution.
Vložil | Šoborová Adéla |
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